is achieved by the work of a person or group of people within the organization,
in accordance with the powers and responsibilities of each in order to achieve
organizational goals (Suyudi, 1999: 111). If the individual performance of
either, it's likely performance of the company or organization would be good. According
to the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI, 1996) in the book Anita and
Rahadian Febriyani Zulfadin, performance can be measured by analyzing and evaluating
financial statements. According to Lynch and Cross, The benefits of good
financial performance measurement namely:a. Tracing performance against
expectations pelnggan so as to bring the company closer to its customers in an
effort to give satisfaction to the customer.b. Motivate employees to perform
services as part of a chain of internal customers and suppliersc. Identified as
well as encouraging waste reduction efforts against such extravagance.2.1.8.
Balanced Scorecard Performance Measurement inPerformance measurement is
important for an organization, which can be used to assess the success of the
company and can also be used as a basis for developing a system of rewards in
an organization. Measurement of performance using the Balanced Scorecard has a
fairly wide range, because not only consider the financial aspects but also
non-financial aspects.
Scorecard performance measurement to performance measurement is an alternative
that is based on four main points, namely financial, customer, internal
business processes, learning and growth. Excess use of the Balanced Scorecard
is a Balanced Scorecard approach that seeks to translate mission and strategy
into objectives and measures are viewed from four perspectives, namely
financial, customer, internal business processes, learning and
growth.Performance measurement is the act of measurement carried out on various
activities in trantai values in the company (Sony Y, 2006:23). The more the
activities of the company increasingly complex problems faced and the success
rate indicator in the company's business goals. in addition, performance
measurement is intended to evaluate the work of perusahaan.Balance Scorecard is
a new framework for integrating various sizes derived from corporate strategy.Measurements
made by the company's performance management objectives have performance
measures were:a. For management, is the basis for taking strategic decisions in
companies and the preparation steps in the future.b. Management to outsiders,
to find out kinerjasuatu company in which he will invest. In addition to
financial performance measures of the past, Balance scorecard also introduces
driving the future financial performance.
Performance drivers
include customer perspective, internal business processes, and learning and
growth Mulyadi (2001:139) describes the purpose of performance measurement
system as follows:A. Darimperusahaan determine the contribution of a part of
the organization as a whole.2. Provide a basis for evaluating the quality of
the performance of each manager3. Motivate managers to the consistency of his
duties in accordance with the main task
sumber : peneltian ilmiah "Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan
dengan Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) pada PT. Bank Rakyat
Indonesia. Tbk”
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