Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Financial Perspective

Financial objectives provide a focus for the objectives and measures in the whole perspective of BSC. Each size is selected to be part of a causal relationship that culminated in an increase in financial performans. BSC should elaborate on the strategy, beginning with the long-term financial goals, and then the interrelationships of the parts of actions to be taken by the process of financial, customer, internal process, and the last employees and systems to deliver long-term economic performans expected. Although dependent on the industry life cycle, the financial perspective strategy objectives are tied to the effort: increased revenue, reduced costs or increased productivity, and utilization of corporate assets. Thus in an increasingly sharp competition, management requires a thorough cost information, which take into account carefully the source of funds (resources) are sacrificed for value-adding activities for customers. These funding sources could come from their own capital, deposits, and of society. Measurement of financial performance that considers the stages of business life cycle, namely: A. Growth stage (Growth) Early stages of the life cycle of a company where the company has products or services that have potential significant financial terbaik.Tujuan growth is the percentage of the company's overall revenue and sales growth rate 2. Survived stage (Susatain) At this stage where the company still has its appeal to investors who invest. 3. Harvesting stage (Harvest) Stage where a company is really reaping the rewards of investments made prior ditahap-stage .. Financial goal at this stage is operating cash flow and savings of the various working capital requirements.sumber : peneltian ilmiah "Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Tbk

Customer Perspective

This describes the company's customers look in the eyes of the customer. This is a consequence of the level of competition are more stringent, so the company is required to understand the needs of its customers (customer driven company).Customer perspective in the Balanced Scorecard identifies how the condition of their customers and market segments that have been chosen by the company to compete with their competitors. Segments of their choice reflects the existence of such customers as the source of their income. In this Prespktif, measurements were made with the five major areas (Kaplan, 1996:67) and the customer perspective has two main groups, namely the measurement and the proportion of customers are:A. Measurement of Core Customer GroupUsed in the measurement of key customers ukuaran-size consisting of:a. Market Share (Market Share)On this measure reflects the company controlled the whole of the existing market, which includes the number of subscribers, the number of sales, and unit sales volume.b. Customer retention (Customer Retention)These measurements can be done by knowing the percentage growth in the number of subscribers who currently owned by the company.c. Customer acquisition (Customer Acquitition)Size of customer acquisition reflects the strength of the business unit and win customers and attract new business. Customer acquisition can be measured by the large number of new subscribers are segmented.d. Customer Satisfaction (Customer Satisfaction)Measurement of the level of customer satisfaction can be done with a variety of techniques including: survey by mail, telephone interview.e. Advantages Customer (Customer Profitability)Measurement of the net profits earned from the customer or a particular segment after calculating the expenses used to meet the needs of those customers.2. Proporsisi Customer Value GroupGroup the proportion of customer value is the trigger of performance contained in the core value proposition is based on the following attributes:a. Product (Service Attributes)Includes the functionality of the products and services, prices and kualiatas. Customers have the tendency of the different products offered. Companies must be able to identify what the customer wanted the product ditawarakan.b. Customer relationships (Customer Relationship)Customer associated with the delivery of products or services that include the dimension of time response and delivery, and how customers feel after buying a product or service from the company.c. Image and reputation (Image and Reputasion)Describe the intangible factors that attract consumers to keep in touch with the company. Build image and reputation can be done through advertising and maintaining quality.

sumber : peneltian ilmiah "Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Tbk

Internal Business Perspective

 In the perspective of internal-business-process, managers identify critical processes in which they must excel if they will achieve the objectives of the shareholder and customer segments to target. Performans conventional measurement systems focus only on monitoring and improving cost, quality, and time is based on existing business processes. Clearly, the approach of allowing the request to performans BSC internal process to lower the expectations of external parties Haran particular company.Every business has a series of processes to create value for customers and deliver financial results baik.Balance Scorecard divide it into three models of key business processes, namelyA. Process InnovationCompanies to be effective and efficient in the process of innovation is more important daeipada become great in the daily operation of the process that has been the traditional focus.2. Process OperationsOperation process is a short wave of value creation within the company. Beginning with the receipt of customer orders and ending with the delivery of products or services to customers. This process focuses on the delivery of products and services to existing customers in efissien, consistent and timely. Related to performance measurement in the operating process are grouped in time, quality, and cost.3. Full Service Process JournalThis process is the customer service after the sale of products or services are performed. Journal includes full service warranty and repair activities, changes in the product is defective and returned, and the payment process. Companies can measure the efforts made by it, whether it is in accordance with customer expectations, by using measurements that are quality, cost, and time as is done operating the preformance. In the measurement of time, the cycle starts from the moment of customer complaints received by the company and ends when the complaint was successfully resolved.

sumber : peneltian ilmiah "Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Tbk

Learning and Growth Perspective

Learning and growth comes from the three principles, namely people, systems and organizational procedures. The third principle is related to Kaplan (1996) describes this perspective as follows:A. The ability of workers.Today the routine work in the production process has been replaced by machines automated. Thus the labor of the workers needed relatively little rough, so the workforce that remains is a specialist employment only. Fewer workers are owned by the company caused more companies to provide access to information that is more appropriate to the employees to further improve effesiensi to achieve corporate objectives2. Ability of information systems. In the highly competitive conditions,Reliable information systems are needed in decision making. Ability of information systems is largely determined by the availability of information, the accuracy of the information and the length of time needed to obtain such information. This is due to how accurate the information received by the company but if the period of time has elapsed then the information is no longer useful.3. Motivation, empowerment and alignment.To be able to create the necessary climate of employee motivation that organizations are able to create their own motivation and encourages employee initiative. The success of this aspect can be seen from the number of the suggestions of employees, number of suggestions that are implemented and the level of the employee's ability to know the vision and mission statement by the company.There are several measurements that can be done so that companies in motivating parapekerja mmempengaruhi performance improvement companies one of which is a measurement of management advice that can be done by performing the following initiatives:A. Measurement of the advice given to the company and implemented2. Demonstrate the benefits and improvements that have been achieved due to target workers2.1.4. Characteristics of Balanced ScorecardBalanced Scorecard is a strategic management system, or more accurately be called a "Stategic Based Accounting System" which describes the mission and strategy into operational objectives and performance benchmarks, where the Balanced Scorecard has the following characteristics (Gunawan, 2000 in Srimindarti, 2004):a. ComprehensiveBalanced Scorecard performance measurement emphasizes not only the quantitative aspect, but also a qualitative aspect. These four perspectives provide a balance between external measures such as earnings, whereas the internal measures such as new product development.b. CoherentBalanced Scorecard requires personnel to determine a causal relationship between the various targets are generated in the planning. Each target set in the financial perspective should have a causal relationship with the financial targets either directly or indirectlyc. BalancedBalance targets generated by the planning system is important to generate long-term financial performance.d. MeasuredKeterukuran targets generated by the planning system is a promising achievement of various targets generated by the system. Balanced Scorecard to measure targets that are difficult to quantify. Target on the customer perspective, internal business processes, and learning and growth is a goal that is not easy to measure, but in the Balance Scorecard third target non-financial perspective can be measured.

sumber : peneltian ilmiah "Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Tbk

Benefits and Advantages of the Balanced Scorecard

a.     Benefits of Balanced Scorecard
Measurement of company performance with Balanced Scorecard analysis can provide benefits to the enterprise, that is including the following:
1.     Balanced Scorecard can determine and communicate the strategy and direction will be pursued by the company.
2.      Balance Scorecard performance measurement emphasizes the combination of financial and non financial, resulting in management remains focused on internal business processes as a whole and provide assurance that the actual operating performance of the ongoing long-term strategy aligned the company and the customer desires.
3.     The existence of the company Balance Scorecard allows managers to assess how they do the creation of the division at this time while considering the interests in the future. So who is expected not only short-term planning, but also have to think long term.
4.      With the Balanced Scorecard, allows the manager to assess what they have invested in the development of human resources, systems and procedures for improving performance in the future.
b.     Excess Balanced ScorecardBalance scorecard is one of the methods of strategic planning. Compared with other methods, has the advantages of balance scorecard:
1.     Can serve as a tool to communicate the strategy among stakeholders of a organisasiyaitu management, employees, shareholders, customers and the community environment by using the balance scorecard. Stakeholders to conduct a review of strategies to achieve them.
2.      Balance scorecard enables organizations to map all of the major factors that exist within the organization whether it be physical or non physical.
3.     Enables organizations to find out strategies developed in the implementation process.
Advantage Balanced Scorecard
Balanced Scorecard as a tool to measure the performance of the company has the following advantages are:
a.     The existence of balance between the log indicator and lead indicatorsBalanced Scorecard using performance benchmarks "the past" (log indicators / outcome measures) to measure the achievement of goals and use performance benchmarks (lead indicator / measure of the trigger results) to measure the causes of achievement outcome measures.
b.     Balanced Scorecard a balance between long-term goals and short term. The balance scorecard method there is a balance between short-term goals (financial perspective) and long-term goals (customer perspective, internal business processes and learning and growth)
As said Mulyadi (2000: 14) mentions that Balance Scorecard has an advantage in two aspects:
a.     Significantly improve the quality of planning Good planning is a reflection of good management and planning of good that promise good results. Thus every creation tool that can improve the quality of planning, would improve the management, and as a result will promise to improve outcomes.
b.     Improve the quality of personnel performance management Performance management of personnel intended to increase the accountability of personnel in the use of various resources in the company's vision through the mission selection.

sumber : peneltian ilmiah "Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Tbk

Balanced Scorecard performance

Performance is achieved by the work of a person or group of people within the organization, in accordance with the powers and responsibilities of each in order to achieve organizational goals (Suyudi, 1999: 111). If the individual performance of either, it's likely performance of the company or organization would be good. According to the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI, 1996) in the book Anita and Rahadian Febriyani Zulfadin, performance can be measured by analyzing and evaluating financial statements. According to Lynch and Cross, The benefits of good financial performance measurement namely:a. Tracing performance against expectations pelnggan so as to bring the company closer to its customers in an effort to give satisfaction to the customer.b. Motivate employees to perform services as part of a chain of internal customers and suppliersc. Identified as well as encouraging waste reduction efforts against such extravagance.2.1.8. Balanced Scorecard Performance Measurement inPerformance measurement is important for an organization, which can be used to assess the success of the company and can also be used as a basis for developing a system of rewards in an organization. Measurement of performance using the Balanced Scorecard has a fairly wide range, because not only consider the financial aspects but also non-financial aspects.
Balanced Scorecard performance measurement to performance measurement is an alternative that is based on four main points, namely financial, customer, internal business processes, learning and growth. Excess use of the Balanced Scorecard is a Balanced Scorecard approach that seeks to translate mission and strategy into objectives and measures are viewed from four perspectives, namely financial, customer, internal business processes, learning and growth.Performance measurement is the act of measurement carried out on various activities in trantai values ​​in the company (Sony Y, 2006:23). The more the activities of the company increasingly complex problems faced and the success rate indicator in the company's business goals. in addition, performance measurement is intended to evaluate the work of perusahaan.Balance Scorecard is a new framework for integrating various sizes derived from corporate strategy.Measurements made by the company's performance management objectives have performance measures were:a. For management, is the basis for taking strategic decisions in companies and the preparation steps in the future.b. Management to outsiders, to find out kinerjasuatu company in which he will invest. In addition to financial performance measures of the past, Balance scorecard also introduces driving the future financial performance.
Performance drivers include customer perspective, internal business processes, and learning and growth Mulyadi (2001:139) describes the purpose of performance measurement system as follows:A. Darimperusahaan determine the contribution of a part of the organization as a whole.2. Provide a basis for evaluating the quality of the performance of each manager3. Motivate managers to the consistency of his duties in accordance with the main task

sumber : peneltian ilmiah "Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Tbk