and growth comes from the three principles, namely people, systems and
organizational procedures. The third principle is related to Kaplan (1996)
describes this perspective as follows:A. The ability of workers.Today the
routine work in the production process has been replaced by machines automated.
Thus the labor of the workers needed relatively little rough, so the workforce
that remains is a specialist employment only. Fewer workers are owned by the
company caused more companies to provide access to information that is more
appropriate to the employees to further improve effesiensi to achieve corporate
objectives2. Ability of information systems. In the highly competitive conditions,Reliable
information systems are needed in decision making. Ability of information
systems is largely determined by the availability of information, the accuracy
of the information and the length of time needed to obtain such information.
This is due to how accurate the information received by the company but if the
period of time has elapsed then the information is no longer useful.3.
Motivation, empowerment and alignment.To be able to create the necessary
climate of employee motivation that organizations are able to create their own
motivation and encourages employee initiative. The success of this aspect can
be seen from the number of the suggestions of employees, number of suggestions
that are implemented and the level of the employee's ability to know the vision
and mission statement by the company.There are several measurements that can be
done so that companies in motivating parapekerja mmempengaruhi performance
improvement companies one of which is a measurement of management advice that
can be done by performing the following initiatives:A. Measurement of the
advice given to the company and implemented2. Demonstrate the benefits and
improvements that have been achieved due to target workers2.1.4.
Characteristics of Balanced ScorecardBalanced Scorecard is a strategic
management system, or more accurately be called a "Stategic Based
Accounting System" which describes the mission and strategy into
operational objectives and performance benchmarks, where the Balanced Scorecard
has the following characteristics (Gunawan, 2000 in Srimindarti, 2004):a.
ComprehensiveBalanced Scorecard performance measurement emphasizes not only the
quantitative aspect, but also a qualitative aspect. These four perspectives
provide a balance between external measures such as earnings, whereas the
internal measures such as new product development.b. CoherentBalanced Scorecard
requires personnel to determine a causal relationship between the various
targets are generated in the planning. Each target set in the financial perspective
should have a causal relationship with the financial targets either directly or
indirectlyc. BalancedBalance targets generated by the planning system is
important to generate long-term financial performance.d. MeasuredKeterukuran
targets generated by the planning system is a promising achievement of various
targets generated by the system. Balanced Scorecard to measure targets that are
difficult to quantify. Target on the customer perspective, internal business
processes, and learning and growth is a goal that is not easy to measure, but
in the Balance Scorecard third target non-financial perspective can be
sumber : peneltian ilmiah "Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan
dengan Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) pada PT. Bank Rakyat
Indonesia. Tbk”
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