Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Internal Business Perspective

 In the perspective of internal-business-process, managers identify critical processes in which they must excel if they will achieve the objectives of the shareholder and customer segments to target. Performans conventional measurement systems focus only on monitoring and improving cost, quality, and time is based on existing business processes. Clearly, the approach of allowing the request to performans BSC internal process to lower the expectations of external parties Haran particular company.Every business has a series of processes to create value for customers and deliver financial results baik.Balance Scorecard divide it into three models of key business processes, namelyA. Process InnovationCompanies to be effective and efficient in the process of innovation is more important daeipada become great in the daily operation of the process that has been the traditional focus.2. Process OperationsOperation process is a short wave of value creation within the company. Beginning with the receipt of customer orders and ending with the delivery of products or services to customers. This process focuses on the delivery of products and services to existing customers in efissien, consistent and timely. Related to performance measurement in the operating process are grouped in time, quality, and cost.3. Full Service Process JournalThis process is the customer service after the sale of products or services are performed. Journal includes full service warranty and repair activities, changes in the product is defective and returned, and the payment process. Companies can measure the efforts made by it, whether it is in accordance with customer expectations, by using measurements that are quality, cost, and time as is done operating the preformance. In the measurement of time, the cycle starts from the moment of customer complaints received by the company and ends when the complaint was successfully resolved.

sumber : peneltian ilmiah "Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Tbk

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