Selasa, 10 April 2012

tugas 2

Exercise 11 : Subject-Verb Agreement

1. Neither Bill nor Mary ( are ) going to the play tonight.

2. Anything ( are ) better than going to another movie tonight.

3. Skating ( are ) becoming more popular everyday.

4. A number of reporters ( were ) at the conference yesterday.

5. Everybody who ( has ) a fever must go home immediately.

6. Your glasses ( was ) on the bureau last nigth.

7. There ( was ) some people at the meeting last night.

8. The committee ( has ) already reached a decision.

9. A pair of jeans ( was\ ) in the wahsing machine this morning.

10. Each student ( has ) answered the first three question.

11. Either Jhon or his wife ( makes ) breakfast each morning.

12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything ( were ) in order.

13. The crowd at the basketball game ( was ) wild with excitement.

14. A pack of wild dogs ( have ) frightened all the ducks a way.

15. The jury ( are ) trying to reach a decision.

16. The army ( has ) eliminated this section of the training test.

17. The number of student who have withdrawn from class this quarter ( are ) appalling.

18. There ( have ) been to many interruptions in this class.

19. Every elementary school teacher ( has ) to take this examination.

20. Neither Jill nor her parents ( have ) seen this movie before.

Exercise 4 : Articles

1. He Jason’s father bought him [ a ]bicycle that he had wanted for his brithday.

2. [ a ] Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from [ a ] France to [ the ] United States.

3. Rita is studiying [ an ] English and [ a ] math this semester.

4. [ The ] judge ask witness to tell [ a ] truth.

5. Please give me­­ [ a ]cup of [ the ] coffe with [ a ] cream and [ a ] sugar.

6. [ A ] big books on [ the ] table are for my history class.

7. No one in [ a ] Spanish class knew [ the ] correct answer to [ the ] Mrs. Perez’s question.

8. My [ a ] car is four years old and it still runs well.

9. When you go to [ the ] store, please buy [ a ] bottle of [ the ] chocolate milk and [ a ] dozen oranges.

10. There are only [ a ] few seats left for [ a ] tonight’s musical at [ the ] university.

11. John and Marcy went to [ the ] school yesterday and then studied in [ the ] library before returning home.

12. [ A ] Lake Erie is one of [ the ] five Great Lake in [ the ] North America.

13. On our trip to [ the ] Spain, we crossed [ the ] Atlantic Ocean.

14. [ A ] Mount Rushmore is the site of [ the ] magnificent tribute to [ the ] four great American president.

15. What did you eat for [ a ] breakfast this morning.

16. Louie played [ a ] basketball and [ a ] baseball at [ the ] Boy’s Club this year.

17. Rita plays [ a ] violin and her sister plays [ a ] guitar.

18. While we were in [ the ] Alaska, we saw [ the ] Eskimo village.

19. Phil can’t go to [ the ] movies tonight because he has to write [ an] essay.

20. David attended [ the ] Princeton University.

21. Haryy has been admitted to [ the ] School of Medicine at [ the ] midwestern university.

22. Mel’s grandmother is in [ the ] hospital, so we went to visit her [ the ] last night.

23. [ The ] polotical science class is taking [ a ] trip to [ the ] Soviet Union in [ the ] spiring.

24. [ The ] Queen Elizabeth II is [ a ] monarch of [ the ] Great Britain.

25. [ the ] Declaration of Independence was drawn up in 1776.

26. Scientists hope to send [ an ] expedition to [ a ] Mars during [ the ] 1980s.

27. Last night there was [ a ] bird singing outside my house.

28. [ The ] chair that you are sitting in is broken.

29. [ A ] Civil War was fought in [ the ] United States between 1861 and 1865.

30. [ The ] Florida State University is smaller than [ a ] University of Florida.

Exercise 10 : Subject-Verb Agreement

1. John, along with twenty friends, (are) planning a party.

2. The picture of the soldiers ( bring ) back many memories.

3. The quality of these recordings ( are ) not very good.

4. If the duties of these officers ( aren’t ) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project.

5. The effect of cigarette smoking ( have ) been proven to be extremely harmful.

6. The use of credit cards in place of cash ( has ) increased rapidly in recent years.

7. Advertisement on television ( are ) becoming more competitive than ever before.

8. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, ( is ) at an all-time high.

9. Mr. Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee, ( has ) proposed some changes of the rules.

10. The level of intoxication ( varies ) from subject to subject.

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